Contact Us
Tell us about your consumer experience or problem, because you just think we ought to know about it as we pursue our mandate.
Join the Council’s Public Interest Network, to share your views with us as we develop policy and conduct research.
Apply to become a member of the Council, to participate in its governance and issues committees.
Register with the Council as an engaged public policy oriented consumer interest researcher.
Inquire about how your organization can help support the Council, because it takes resources and working together to ensure consumers rights and responsibilities are thoroughly considered.
Register for the Council’s news release e-mail list. Or go to the Council’s news page to subscribe to the Council’s news feeds through the RSS news feed reader of your choice.
Consumers Council of Canada
Commercial Building
201-1920 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M4S 3E2
Telephone: 416.483.2696
Send the Council a General Inquiry
If you have a personal consumer problem, please use our “Share Your Consumer Experience” form and not the form below to tell us about your consumer experience or problem.