The Public Interest Network
Be Consulted
Would you like your views consulted as the Consumers Council of Canada develops consumer policy and responds to current consumer issues? If the answer is ‘yes,’ then apply to join the Council’s Public Interest Network.
PIN participants form a national network of thoughtful, knowledgeable Canadian consumers.
The Council consults the PIN online about important public and consumer policy issues being considered by government, corporations and consumer organizations.
Learn more about the PIN
Who are participants in the network?
Who owns and operates the PIN?
Why and how should other consumer organizations or individuals participate?
How does one become a PIN participant?
How do PIN participants benefit?
How can I get more information?
Who are participants in the network?
PIN is a group of interested consumers and people involved in their many communities of interest. They have volunteered to join the network and respond to questionnaires regarding consumer issues. Participants may later be asked to complete a voluntary questionnaire to provide basic demographic information to the Council.
PIN participants are:
- Consumers interested in engaging with consumer issues policy development
- Aware or prepared to raise their awareness of consumer and public policy issues
- May be experienced with or have an interest in contributing to consumer protection solutions
PIN participants agree to be consulted online about important public and consumer policy issues being considered by government, corporations and consumer organizations.
The Council questions the PIN to get the views of active, aware, critical and informed consumers and of individuals with high awareness and expertise with consumer protection issues. The Council values the views of PIN participants because they can offer insights into issues and future trends emerging among Canadian consumers.
PIN participants are a source of input on consumer and public interest issues for organizations wanting to obtain information or evaluate ideas. The Council gathers information from the PIN for its own use and promotes the PIN to public or other sector organizations interested in the views of PIN participants. The PIN is one way the Council collects evidence of consumer views.
Who owns and operates the PIN?
The Consumers Council of Canada owns and operates the PIN.
Why and how should other consumer organizations or individuals participate?
The Consumers Council believes the PIN can strengthen collaboration among concerned consumers.
Who develops PIN questionnaires?
Council research staff and consultants develop questions directed to the PIN.
How does one become a PIN member?
Just submit your first and last names, e-mail address and province of residence.
How do PIN participants benefit?
PIN volunteers get the satisfaction of knowing their opinions are heard and help improve the Canadian marketplace. Participation in the PIN helps the Consumers Council in its work on behalf of Canadian consumers. PIN participants will receive reports of findings that result from their participation. PIN participants will be informed of opportunities to become involved in activities related to consumer issues. PIN participants may receive offers related to Council publications.
How can I get more information?
Just Contact Us.