Consumers Council of Canada is hosting a special webinar introducing the final report of its two-year research project on the “On-Demand Consumer.”
The May 20 Webinar will be held at 12 noon EDT, and is expected to last approximately 45 minutes. The Webinar is free and open to the public, but capacity is limited and pre-registration is required.
Report authors Dr. Derek Ireland and Jay Jackson will walk attendees through the key points of the study. Time will be reserved for questions and answers.
For more than a decade, digital technology has changed Canada’s economy so that goods and services can be supplied to consumers, when, where and at a price that consumers want. Despite widespread interest in the topic, little research has been conducted concerning consumer perspectives of its explosive growth, or its implications for consumer expenditures, welfare, and for consumer policy and regulatory regimes.
The study represents the first major analysis of its kind of the on-demand economy and uses its findings to make numerous recommendations for governments, policymakers and for future study.
The report is available through the Council’s online store in EPUB and PDF versions in English and PDF in French.