By Issue Area
CBC Marketplace cautions bank gift cards don’t offer value consumers expect
CBC Marketplace reports that in 2010 Canadians spent about six billion dollars on gift cards. But the CBC's flagship consumer...
Will new C-notes be simpler for consumers?
The Bank of Canada has announced it will begin circulating a new $100 polymer bank note in November 2011, with a polymer $50...
Tolls charged in C$ at Windsor’s Ambassador Bridge hurt consumers
Canadian consumers are expressing growing concern about the gap between U.S. and Canadian prices for exactly the same goods and...
Council will represent consumers concerning “Renewed Regulatory Framework for Electricity”
The Consumers Council of Canada has been determined by the Ontario Energy Board to be eligible under section 30 of the Ontario...
Council urges Alberta to update building code
The Consumers Council of Canada, along with the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance, Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance, North...
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