By Issue Area
Ontario responds to Council housing affordability recommendation
The Government of Ontario took steps consistent with a Consumers Council of Canada recommendation that it should review property...
High time consumer protection receives more attention
The Ontario and federal government announced moves in recent days on serious consumer protection issues the Consumers Council of...
High Prices, Little Protection for Canada’s Rent-To-Own Customers
Rent-to-own transactions are an expensive way for consumers to acquire merchandise, with periodic payments typically totalling 2...
Immediate past Council President named chair of Ontario’s new Condominium Management Regulatory Authority
Aubrey LeBlanc, immediate past president of the Consumers Council of Canada, has been named as the first chair of Ontario's new...
Board of directors, executive officers chosen for Council
A board of directors and executive officers have been chosen to lead the Consumers Council of Canada in 2016-17. Don Mercer has...
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