By Issue Area
COVID-19 Will Change How Canadians Shop for Food, But Not Food Prices
The COVID-19 crisis will change how Canadian consumers shop for groceries more significantly than the prices they pay, according...
Protect the Ability to Use Cash, Report Urges
Policymakers should ensure that cash is always acceptable before its use in retail transactions is further threatened by...
Canadian Consumer Groups Seriously Underfunded: Former OECD Policy Head
Canadian consumer groups are “small, lack profile and are seriously underfunded for the task at hand” compared to their...
CBC Marketplace Shows Prevalence of Online Fake and Misrepresented Goods
The recent broadcast of CBC Marketplace’s episode underscored two important consequences of acts of fraud in the sale of goods...
National Telecoms Get Two Years to Lower Cellular Prices
The federal government has put Canada’s largest national cellphone networks on notice that they have two years to lower their...
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