By Issue Area
The Unmet Legal Needs in Canada’s Justice System
If you think the costs of delivering an effective civil justice system are high, imagine the costs of not doing so. Access to...
Advertising in the Age of COVID
Canada’s advertising industry adjudicator has received about 40 complaints about COVID-related issues in advertising, but only...
CIBC Fined $1.2 Million for Violating Credit Card Disclosure Rules
Canada’s financial institutions watchdog fined Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) $1.225 million because the bank failed...
Do Consumers Have the Right to Paper Telecom Bills?
After initially ruling that there was no requirement for telecommunication providers to provide paper billing earlier this year,...
Can Students Take the Bus to School Safely?
Policymakers have placed considerable effort into finding ways to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread in those classrooms that...
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