By Issue Area
Keeping Outdoor Customers Warm and Safe
Patio heaters can help restaurants keep customer counts up as the temperatures fall by extending the use of outdoor dining...
What Secret Shoppers Say About Wireless Plan Purchases
A Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) study of sales practices of wireless mobile services used...
Snorkels That Choke and Razors That Slice the Skin Highlight Recalls
Snorkels that can choke you and razors that slice through the skin highlight the most recent recall and safety alerts issued by...
A National Advocate for Consumers Is Needed
Consumers Council of Canada is urging the Government of Canada to act swiftly to keep its commitment to create a new agency able...
Back to School, Back to Work Is Not Back to Normal
Consumer concerns about the ability of children to return to child care or school, and adults to return to the workplace...
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