By Issue Area
Cineplex Hit With $39 Million Judgment for Illegal Drip Pricing
Canada’s Competition Tribunal ruled that Cineplex’s $1.50 online booking fees were illegal, and ordered the movie theatre chain...
Food Producers Target Weight-Loss Drug Effects
Drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy used by some for weight loss are changing the appetites of consumers. These drugs – categorized...
Quebec Proposes Crackdown on Tipping on Tax, Better Grocery Unit Pricing
Quebec targeted restaurant tipping, grocery store price presentation, leasing rules and door-to-door HVAC sales in proposed...
Why Did Loblaw Accept the Grocery Code of Conduct?
Loblaw’s decision to endorse the proposed Grocery Code of Conduct was more of a case of the Grocery Code accepting Loblaw’s...
Updated On-Demand Report, Two Consultation Papers Now Available
The Council recently issued an update to its 2019 research report The On-Demand Consumer, which investigated consumers’ views...
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