Snorkels That Choke and Razors That Slice the Skin Highlight Recalls
Snorkels that can choke you and razors that slice through the skin highlight the most recent recall and safety alerts issued by...
CIBC Fined $1.2 Million for Violating Credit Card Disclosure Rules
Canada’s financial institutions watchdog fined Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) $1.225 million because the bank failed...
Can Students Take the Bus to School Safely?
Policymakers have placed considerable effort into finding ways to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread in those classrooms that...
Will Anyone Ever Hear Your Complaint?
Sometimes, the squeaky wheel just continues to squeak. In an old idiom, squeaky wheels got grease. In other words, those that...
More Household Items Declared Fire Risks
Household goods presenting fire risks feature prominently in recent recall and safety alerts issued by Health Canada. The...