Canada’s Competition Tribunal ruled that Cineplex’s $1.50 online booking fees were illegal, and ordered the movie theatre chain...
Cineplex Hit With $39 Million Judgment for Illegal Drip Pricing
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Canada’s Competition Tribunal ruled that Cineplex’s $1.50 online booking fees were illegal, and ordered the movie theatre chain...
Drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy used by some for weight loss are changing the appetites of consumers. These drugs – categorized...
Quebec targeted restaurant tipping, grocery store price presentation, leasing rules and door-to-door HVAC sales in proposed...
Loblaw’s decision to endorse the proposed Grocery Code of Conduct was more of a case of the Grocery Code accepting Loblaw’s...
The Council recently issued an update to its 2019 research report The On-Demand Consumer, which investigated consumers’ views...